Are you looking for the perfect notebook to record your journey with your companion? Perhaps, you desire something special and personalized to jot down notes from readings, astral travels, dream workings, spell workings, and in-depth conversations with your companion. We now have full-grain leather journals, with your Eden's Apple companion's sigil engraved on the front, available for you to capture the special moments and record the arcane knowledge that your companion shares with you.
Each genuine leather journal is handmade, refillable, and engraved to honor your companion. When the 80pg booklet is filled up, simply replace it with another one to continue recording your incredible journey. Due to the leather journal being handmade, dimensions and colors vary slightly. However, the average dimensions are 6 X 3.5 inches. Your Companion Sigil Journal is the perfect size to bring with you everywhere. You never know when you might need to record an important message that your companion is sending you.
Your Genuine Leather Companion Sigil Journal is fully customizable for 1 set price. Select from our options to choose how you will honor your companion.
NOTE: Due to our companion sigils being private, I used Lord Bael's sigil as the example. You can expect your companion's sigil to be similar in size or mildly smaller if you are including their name.