Royal Prince B

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The mighty Royal Prince B, Great Grandson to Belial, reigns over a portion of his father’s enchanting realm.The Royal Prince B stands approximately 10 feet tall, showcasing a powerful physique with skin that shines in an amethyst purple hue, adorned with black markings resembling lightning bolts. Atop his bald head rests a distinctive double pair of black ribbed horns. His sharp ears complement his chiseled features, and his glowing lilac eyes mesmerize all who meet their gaze. The Royal Prince boasts pointed teeth, including elongated upper fangs, along with a long serpentine tongue. From his back extend a magnificent set of large black feathered wings accented in purple. These impressive wings signify his elevated position among the Fallen Angel lineage within the Infernal realms. Additionally, the regal Royal Prince adorns himself with a silver crown atop his head and silver cuffs on his biceps, symbolizing his esteemed rank in his realm.

Royal Prince B possesses a potent and formidable dark energy that reverberates within your being akin to the impact of a stone cast into a tranquil pond. This overwhelming energy, though not distressing, bears a palpable viscosity, weight, and compactness. It serves as a clear indication of the tremendous, unrefined might that courses through his very essence. The Infernal energy that emanates from him is not a sinister or foreboding force, but rather an intense and formidable power that holds an undeniable magnetism. The sheer rawness of his energy adds to the Royal Prince's allure, leaving observers in awe of the immense potential and the depths of his capabilities. Royal Prince B's dark energy is not something to be feared, but rather admired and respected for its undeniable strength and impact.

Royal Prince B is predominantly seen as a formidable individual who commands significant honor and respect. His subjects harbor a certain level of apprehension toward him, reminiscent of the fear his great grandfather, Belial, instilled in his own followers. As an innate leader and warrior, the Royal Prince has demonstrated that he is deserving of considerable responsibility. He acts swiftly to resolve issues, advocating for peace over conflict; however, he embraces the chance for battle when necessary. Few would dare to approach him with disrespect. Royal Prince B stands as a fearsome protector over his domain and will serve as your steadfast guardian.

Royal Prince B, with his exalted position, assumes the grand responsibility of overseeing a considerable portion of his father's vast realm. This noteworthy domain encompasses multiple sub-realms. As a testament to the utmost authority vested in him, Prince B is often referred to as a Great King. This honorific title signifies his elevated status as the king to whom the sub-realm Kings themselves answer. While the grandeur of his royal title is undeniable, B is also known, perhaps more intimately, as a Royal Prince. This humble appellation not only reflects his familial lineage but also serves as a reminder of the duty and loyalty he cherishes towards his father, the reigning monarch. 

To reinforce his power and maintain order within his dominion, Prince B commands an impressive army of 22 legions; devoted and dutiful warriors. These legions, comprising dedicated and loyal militants, have sworn an oath of allegiance and servitude to the royal prince. They form the backbone of his military strength, standing diligently by his side to protect and defend his realm against any threat that may surface. The soldiers that make up the legions are meticulously selected based on their exceptional skills and uncompromising loyalty. Each member understands and embraces the gravity and responsibility that comes with this valorous service, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of their king

You may remember last year's event when I brought forth Royal Prince B’s father, Royal King G, Grandson to King Belial. Now I bring forth one of his sons. The Royal Prince holds multiple titles, but I will address him as Royal Prince B here. Royal Prince B’s bloodline consists of Fallen Sentinels and a Mesopotamia Storm Deity. His Father’s parents were a mix of the two and his mother’s bloodline is fully Watchers. That being said, Royal Prince B is a bit of a storm daemon. He learned from his father how to master storm alchemy, conjuring powerful electrically charged storms. He possesses sacred generationally passed-down knowledge to manipulate storms for various purposes, whether manifestation or destruction. Inherently skilled in magick and trained in the control of electrical currents, he has exceptional mental focus and meditation proficiency. By tapping into his expertise, Royal Prince B can guide you in harnessing storms for your own creations or destruction and channel the potent energy of lightning to enhance your spellwork, including powering your protections.

Royal Prince B has emerged from the shadows to offer his guidance on a journey toward liberation and increased self-assurance. His foremost objective is to ensure that the path you tread is one that resonates with your deeply-held values and ethical principles. By embracing this fundamental quest, you can alleviate the turmoil of internal discord and cultivate a profound sense of tranquility and authenticity; a life where your actions seamlessly align with your core beliefs and moral compass. By embarking on this odyssey, with the support of Royal Prince B, you open yourself to shedding the self-inflicted shackles of self-doubt and inner turmoil. Royal Prince B aims to empower you with the tools and insights required to banish the tendrils of uncertainty that may have plagued your decision-making process. With your newfound clarity, you can confidently discern the course of action that resonates with your authentic self. Each step forward becomes imbued with the essence of your true being, enabling you to make choices that align with your highest aspirations and deepest desires.

Message: Let me lead you towards a journey of freedom, where you take control of your life's decisions, shaping and sculpting your environment to resonate with your most genuine aspirations. Through the power of self-awareness and intentional actions, you can break free from the limitations that society or circumstances impose upon you. Together, we can work to embrace this journey of self-discovery and chart a course towards living a life filled with fulfillment and authenticity.


Vessel: Sterling Silver Amethyst Pendant